1:1 Mentoring program

With a range of materials, the mentoring program will help you gain clarity, confidence, and resilience to move forward in life and business in a new way.
We will give you the full support needed to make impactful decisions and sustainable changes.
Approach & Milestones
Your journey with the Empower your Soul Express is designed like a business trip on a train. It will bring you within six stations to your goal.
During your ride, you will learn and experience how to make significant adjustments in your life and business. Boldly and valiantly set a course for YOUR unique path.
Find your uniqueness
Discover what is unique within you and get a fabulous and accurate picture of your natural predispositions and talents.
Apply your brilliance
Gain clarity about who you are and get a different perception of how to live your life and run your business in a new way.
Master your hurdles
With our help, you will understand what is holding you back and how you can achieve the freedom to do what you are born to do.
Create coherent offers
Together we will develop coherent services and products in harmony with your mind and soul that really suit you.
Implement significant changes
With your mind and your soul united, you will begin to define a plan and implement the first steps toward your mission.
Your time to shine
With the self-knowledge gained from the first five steps, we will define a suitable strategy to set you boldly on your path to visibility and enjoy success.
Our promise to you
After the mentoring, you will think differently about your true potential.
Tailwind for your Realization
1:1 Mentoring
Throughout your journey, you will be supported with individual live sessions, emails and calls.
By compiling mental and emotional inventories, you will understand where you are right now..
Together with spiritual support, we will understand the true connections behind your inner brakes.
This tool ensures you implement each milestone without losing sight of your goals and aspirations.
You will gain absolute clarity regarding your uniqueness and how to apply this in life and business.
Frequency work
You will gain absolute clarity regarding your uniqueness and how to apply this in life and business.
Practical. Focused. Holistic.
Our mentoring sessions will be 100% individual and bring you to a place where you will have the power and confidence to walk your true path.
Your results
Achieve your mission in life, move in tune with your soul, and bring your light into this world.
Recognize how ready you are to make a deep impact in this world by just being YOU.
Sit back at the end of each day and say: “ I am thrilled, satisfied and I feel inner peace in my life and business!”

You will
– find your uniqueness and apply your brilliance.
– master your hurdles and create coherent offers.
– implement significant changes and show it is your time to shine
– achieve growth and success for yourself and your business.
– being equipped with lifelong tools to help tackle any situation.
The mentoring includes your potential profile and nine 60-minute sessions, billed to the minute. Between the sessions, you will get e-mail support within one day.
Moreover, you will benefit from self-reflections, meditations, visualizations, microcurrent frequencies and a workbook that will guide you along the way.
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Our promise to you
By holding your hand and creating a nurturing environment, together we will discover
who you really are and what you are truly capable of.
Experiences and Results
We are so proud of our clients. Every day our clients surprise us by showing the enormous and positive changes that happen in their lives and businesses as a result of the mentoring programs we offer.
Dear Angélique, you are very professional, have an incredible presence and are 100% right with your answers. Simply and fabulously accurate.
Your sensitive yet very clear language gave me valuable information regarding my realignment and path.
There is no other person in my life I trust so much here, and I am happy about this gift. I would not want to miss your excellent guidance.
Dear Angelique, you are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. Through you, I had many wonderful insights. You were and are the trigger for smaller and also bigger changes of direction in my life, for which I am infinitely grateful to you.
I don’t know anyone who could hold a candle to you in your field. You combine logic, competence, empathy, wisdom, drive, and the strong will to offer your counterpart the added value he or she desires with your incomparable charm and your lively humor. This creates a space where both can meet at eye level and find solutions together.
Not to forget your connection to the spiritual world. Because the quality of your channelings is unique, so detailed and precise, so full of wisdom and truth, which of course can be uncomfortable at times.
Dear Angelique. without much detour and preliminaries you bring things to the point, which could not be more accurate.
The resulting insights are more than worth their weight in gold, provided you know how to take them.
What can I say? Every single minute of exchange with you is immensely enriching. Thank you for that.
Competence, cordial, clear. I am very enthusiastic about Angelique and her way of working.
She was able to say things about me that applied 100% to me. And that without giving her any information from me in advance.
She also explained to me how to deal with my problems and what I could do.
Angelique can help in business as well as on a personal and private level. She is a very warm and spiritual person who makes clear statements and works very competently.
I recommend her with a clear conscience.
Dear Angelique, I enjoy it with much pleasure to be able to fall back on your support.
The speed and precision in which you describe the SIGNIFICANCE to my current teammates in my life game are simply brilliant.
I especially like to ask you when I am faced with decisions and want to know what deeper messages the relationships involved hold for me.
And that’s not all: you also always have a little toy for me, which supports me in the current case”.
Dear Angélique, for me you are an angel in human form. Already in the first free call you offered me a lot of added value and even more in the subsequent accompaniment. The combination of your medial and intuitive gifts with your rich experience as a business consultant is unique.
Your huge heart and your unbelievable accuracy make you THE contact person when someone is looking for clarity about their professional path. I recommend you wholeheartedly.